package net.callumtaylor.asynchttp.response; public abstract class StringResponseHandler extends AsyncHttpResponseHandler { private StringBuffer stringBuffer; private String content; @Override public void onPublishedDownloadProgress(byte[] chunk, int chunkLength, long totalProcessed, long totalLength) { if (stringBuffer == null) { int total = (int)(totalLength > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : totalLength); stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(Math.max(8192, total)); } if (chunk != null) { try { stringBuffer.append(new String(chunk, 0, chunkLength, "UTF-8")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } /** * Generate the String from the buffer and remove it to allow the GC to clean up properly */ @Override public void generateContent() { this.content = stringBuffer.toString(); this.stringBuffer = null; } /** * @return The data represented as a String */ @Override public String getContent() { return content; } }